Elected Officers



To have quorum 51 % of the people below need to be present: 10 of the people below need to be
present at the meetings in order to have a quorum.


1. Frankie Peters President
2. LaTricia Kinlow Past President
3. Therese Murphy President Elect
4. Mary Beth Phillips Vice President
5. Juanita Sifuentes Treasurer
6. Candace Enders Secretary

Regional Directors

7. LaTricia Kinlow Central (King)
8. Mary Beth Phillips Central East
9. Amy Knutsen Central West
10. Suzanne Elsner Northwest
11. Sherri Hansen Northeast
12. MiHa Kapaki Southwest
13. Kris Thompson Southeast

Standing Committee Chairperson

14. Sherri Hansen Membership Chair
15. Ellen Attebery Technology Chair
16. Amy Knutsen Education & Conference Chair
17. Dee Morrill Courts Helping Courts Chair
18. Patrick Wells Legislative Chair
19. Misty Robison Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Chair
20. Bryan Farrell Education & Conference Co-Chair
21. Kris Thompson Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Co-Chair
22. Andrew McSeveney Technology Co-Chair
23. Kati Dorman Membership Co-Chair
24. Maryam Olson Legislative Co-Chair
24. LaTricia Kinlow Courts Helping Courts Co-Chair