Message from the President
It is a true honor to have this opportunity to serve as your President for the District and Municipal Court Management Association. This association’s strength comes from the involvement and leadership from all of our Courts of Limited Jurisdiction across the state. We are fortunate to have a strong framework that has been built for us by our prior association leadership, and I look to continue building on that foundation, and taking opportunities to be creative and strategic in how we can support the true needs of our courts. In its simplest form, there are two things that we need to focus on: supporting the ongoing success and growth of our association, and providing the resources and backing to our courts that will allow them to positively and effectively serve their organization and communities. This is going to take innovation, creativity, and forward thinking. Knowing the collective expertise, dedication, and passion that this association brings to our efforts, this is something I’m confident we can do together.
We are going to be continuing to support our courts through:
Highways and Hedges Program – We will be continuing to engage with our CLJs across the state. This is an opportunity for us to come to you! We will hear directly from the courts of your regions, and discuss successes, lessons learned, and where we can further support challenges that you may be facing.
CLJ Association Summit – We will be holding executive leadership summits with the District and Municipal Court Judges Association and Misdemeanant Probation Association to allow for cross collaboration that will further the opportunities for success in meeting our visions and goals collectively and resolving issues or barriers that may be presented between associations and local jurisdictions.
We are going to build and innovate by:
Supporting the establishment of administrative and organizational workload assessments to support our local jurisdictional resource needs. Workload assessments have been conducted for judicial officers and attorneys, allowing for support through representation of resources needs. For the non-judicial executive and administrative functions of the court, without workload assessments, we are left with limited resources to support these needs. Let’s change this!
Partnerships in the implementation of a Procedural Justice Initiative for our courts. This is a project bringing in professionals and subject matter experts to provide opportunities for growth and support on local levels, while giving us the tools allowing us to more effectively provide open and equal access through the court process for all of our community members.
We have so many opportunities that are available to us on an association and local level, and our commitment to these important causes will allow us to take advantage of these opportunities, so that we may continue to change and grow in ways that further support our association and each other.
I look forward to serving each of you, and to continue the fabulous work of the District and Municipal Court Management Association.
With appreciation,
Frankie Peters